Parents - The National TikTok challenge in which students are instructed to trash the restroom, and other areas at school, and to steal items from classrooms, is very disturbing. Please have a conversation with your child about respecting their school. It is frustrating and disheartening to have to talk with students about vandalism of our facilities, and thefts from our schools, classrooms, etc. All violators will be disciplined and turned over to authorities for potential criminal charges. Every one of these incidents, requires us to spend money that could and should be used for our students. Please talk with your students about doing their part in stopping this ridiculous activity and encourage them to report to school personnel when they are seeing these events occur. Thank you. Go Bears!

NPS Week #5 update 2021-2022. Thank you.

Noble Public Schools is applying for a Technology Grant. Please take a few seconds and complete this very brief survey. Thank you for your help. Go Bears!

Please read the attached updates from Noble Public Schools. Thank you.

Good Morning Noble Public Schools. At this time, the telephone lines and email connections are down at all school sites. The ATT line is cut somewhere. They are working as quickly as possible to restore service. Please call Central Office at 872-3452 or the Noble Police Department at 872-9231 for any emergency. Thank you for your patience.

Noble Public Schools Athletics Ticket Links for home activities for the Week of August 30, 2021. Go Bears!

Please read our Week #3 Update from Noble Public Schools. Please do everything in your power for the protection of our students and staff. Thank you.

Week of August 23, 2021. Please remember ALL TICKETS ARE SOLD ONLINE ONLY. No cash will be accepted at the gate. Directions are available from the link at the end of this message. Go Bears.
Athletic Office is open Monday-Thursday from 9:00-11:00 if you need help purchasing tickets.
HS Softball vs Guthrie 5:00
HS Softball vs Western Heights 5:00
JH Volleyball vs El Reno 5:00
JH Football Preview 5:00 (Fundraiser, season passes will not be accepted)
HS Football Preview 5:30 (Fundraiser, season passes will not be accepted)
JH Softball vs Carl Albert 5:00
HS Softball vs Bridge Creek 12:00

Please review Week #2 Update on 2021-2022 from Noble Public Schools. Thank You.

Good Evening Noble Public Schools,
Please read the updated message on Quarantine Procedures. Thank you for your support and understanding.

Good Morning Noble Public Schools,
Please take the time to read our Week #1 update for the 2021-2022 school year. Our students are depending upon us. Have a great weekend! Thank you.

Please find attached the COVID-19 guidelines for Wednesday, August 11, 2021. Please understand that they are subject to change. Masks are not required but are recommended. We must continue to work together for the safety of our students and staff. Thank you for your help and support! Go Bears!

Good Afternoon Noble Public Schools!
The 2021-2022 school year starts tomorrow morning. Please be patient and understanding with us as we adjust to the new school year. Our enrollment has increased by 350 students since the end of May. We will be making scheduling adjustments and balancing classes during the next few days. Please watch for updates.
Secondary students are not allowed to ride elementary school bus routes. Secondary students needing to report earlier than bus drop off time, will need to provide their own transportation.
Let's work together to have a great year. Go Bears!

Tickets for Monday August 9, 2021
HS Softball vs Perkins 5:00

Good Evening Noble Public Schools,
Just a reminder that all offices and school sites will be closed tomorrow morning for the NPS District Meetings. All offices and sites will re-open at 1:00 p.m. on Monday, August 9, 2021. Thank you for your understanding. Go Bears!

Please open the link below for information on ticketing for all athletic events for Noble Public Schools during the 2021-2022 school year. Please remember that tickets must be purchased online. Thank you. Go Bears!

Good news! For the 2021-2022 School Year, Noble Public Schools will once again be able to provide free breakfasts and lunches for all students. Every meal served helps the district, as well as assisting families financially. Please visit the schools' websites (www.nobleps.com) for lunch menus. Although meals are free to all students this school year, please assist us by completing and turning in your Free & Reduced Forms. These forms assist us with other programming needs. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Dr. Jon Myers, Assistant Superintendent. 405-872-3452

****Attention: Noble Public Schools Bus Riders******
Many of our bus routes have changed since we finished school in May. Some routes have been eliminated, others have stop site changes, still others have pickup times changed. Please call the Bus Barn beginning Wednesday, August 4th, from 6:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m. for updated route times and and numbers. The office will also be answering calls on Thursday, Monday and Tuesday. Please share this message with anyone that might be impacted. 405-872-3455.
We are also looking to hire additional bus drivers and monitors. If you know of anyone able and willing to work, please send them our way.
Thank You for your help and cooperation. We appreciate you all. Have a great day! Go Bears!

Noble Elementary Schools Back To School Open House will be: Monday, August 9th, 2021
Katherine I. Daily Elementary
5:30-6:15 Last Name Beginning N-Z
6:15-6:30 Break to clean and sanitize
6:30-7:15 Last Name Beginning A-M
5:30-6:15 Last Name Beginning A-M
6:15-6:30 Break to Clean and Sanitize
6:30-7:15 Last Name Beginning N-Z
Hubbard Elementary
4:30 - 5:20 Last Name Beginning A-L
5:20 - 6:10 Break to clean and sanitize
6:10 - 7:00 Last Name Beginning M-Z
Pioneer Elementary
4:30 - 5:20 Last Name Beginning M-Z
5:20 - 6:10 Break to clean and sanitize
6:10 - 7:00 Last Name Beginning A-L
Due to the recent increase of the Delta Variant of the Covid Virus, Parents/Guardians will not be allowed to walk students in on the first day of school on Wednesday, August 11th. We are offering the Open House for a more Socially Distanced opportunity for students to meet their teachers before the first day of school.
Thank You for your patience and understanding. Go Bears!

In April 2022, Noble Public Schools will once again give the College and Career Readiness Assessment (CCRA) to all of our 11th Graders at Noble High School. The assessment that was given last year free of charge was the ACT assessment. Since the majority of our students attend in-state colleges and universities, we believe this assessment is well-suited for our students and their college/university choices. This assessment also aligns with the Pre-ACT assessment that we utilize with our 10th Graders. Right now, we are considering once again utilizing the ACT assessment as the CCRA in April. If you have any questions, or concerns please feel free to contact the following people.
• Dr. Jon Myers, Assistant Superintendent (jmyers@nobleps.com or 239-3703)
• Mr. Steve Barrett, NHS Principal (sbarrett@nobleps.com or 872-3441)
• Mrs. Tori Christiansen, NHS Counselor (tchristiansen@nobleps.com or 872-3441)
We look forward to hearing any feedback as we decide on the 2022 College and Career Readiness Assessment that is required for all 11th Graders. Below is a survey that the SDE has complied for districts to use to assist in collecting feedback.