Noble Public Schools provide educational services for all children with disabilities who have special needs living in the Noble School district. These disabilities may include: mental, physical, emotional, learning, hearing/visual & speech/language impairments.
If you know of any person who may qualify for these services please contact
Mr. Joe Rohr, Child Find Coordinator
(405) 239-3705
111 South 4th Street,
Noble, Oklahoma 73068

The purpose of Child Find is to state the intention of the Noble Schools to fulfill its responsibility to establish and implement an ongoing Child Find system to locate, identify and evaluate students ages 3 through 21 years, who are suspected of having a disability and may need special education, regardless of the severity of the disability, and to coordinate with SoonerStart Early Intervention Program regarding the Child Find system for children ages birth to 3 years of age. If you know of any person who may qualify for these services please contact Mr. Joe Rohr, child find coordinator, 111 South 4th Street, Noble, Oklahoma 73068, (405) 239-3705.
Persons who, because of a special need or condition, would like to request an accommodation for a Noble Public Schools event should contact Joe Rohr, Noble Public Schools at 405.872.3452 or via email jrohr@nobleps.com as soon as possible, but no later than two weeks before the event, so that appropriate arrangements can be made.