BianaxNOW in School COVID-19 Testing
We have a new option for testing of students and staff who develop COVID-19 symptoms during the school day.
The BinaxNOW test provides results in 15 minutes and can be used for early detection of COVID-19 in students, staff and teachers. This will allow us to respond quickly and provide tests for students with symptoms of COVID-19.
Students and staff should not come to school if they are having symptoms.
We are asking parents/guardians to complete the consent form so that in the event your child develops COVID like symptoms they can be tested prior to being picked up or potentially even stay at school depending on the severity of the illness. All testing will be administered based on the judgment of the school nurses. Parent/Guardians will be contacted prior to testing if a consent form is already on file. This consent form will stay in your child’s health file (for one year) and only be used if testing is needed and can be revoked at any time.
Additional information in the event testing needs to take place at school:
There is no charge to families for testing.
This allows the school nurse conducting the test to gently swab up to ¾ in into the nostrils of your child if symptoms are present.
Students who do not have completed forms on file cannot be tested at school.
Parents/guardians that opt out of school testing will need to continue to arrange testing through their primary care provider or other testing site if directed to do so.
We are required to report both positive and negative results to the Oklahoma CCHC.
Contact a School Nurse
(405) 872-7671 (Please leave a short voicemail, including your contact information)
Deciding when a child is too sick to go to school can be difficult. Please know that good health is more important than a perfect attendance record. In order for your child to be available for learning, and to control communicable diseases in school, it is important to keep your child home for the following reasons:
Fever above 100.4 degrees - Your child should be fever free and off of all fever reducing medication for 24 hours before he or she returns to school. Students returning to school before they are well are more susceptible to illness and may expose others. Please do not give your child medication to treat a fever and then send him or her to school.
Sore Throat or Tonsillitis – A minor sore throat is usually not a problem, but a severe sore throat could be a symptom of a more serious illness. Keep your child home from school and contact your health care provider. If your child is diagnosed with Strep Throat, he or she may return to school 24 hours after antibiotic treatment begins.
Spots/Rash – Do not send your child to school with a rash until your health care provider has said that it is safe to do so.Children with ringworm, scabies, or impetigo may return to school after 24 hours of appropriate treatment. The affected area should be covered if possible.
Bad cough/Cold Symptoms – children with bad coughs/colds need to stay home, and possibly see their health care provider. When the cough improves and the child is feeling better, they may return to school.It can take well over a week for a bad cough to completely go away.
Eye Inflammation or Discharge – if your child’s eye is red with a cloudy or yellow/green drainage, matted eyelids after sleep, eye pain and/or redness, you should keep your child home and contact your child’s health care provider. If your child is diagnosed with pink eye, he or she may return to school 24 hours after treatment has begun.
Vomiting and/or Diarrhea – Your child should stay home until the illness is over and for 24 hours after the last episode (without medication).
Ear Pain – Consult with your health care provider.Untreated ear infections can cause problems with hearing loss.
Head lice – Students must be treated with a special preparation for killing head lice (available over-the counter) and progress made on removing all of the nits. Students are to be cleared by the Cleveland County Health Department or their health care provider.
Acute Pain – Students that have pain that require narcotic medication for relief should not attend school.
Remember to call the school every day that your child will be absent. Make sure the school has your current contact information in case your child was to become ill or injured at school. Have a plan in place for childcare issues for when your child is ill. If your child has a communicable disease, please notify the school. In some instances, it will be necessary for your physician to provide the school with a medical release before your child may return to school.
Medications should be given at home if at all possible. If medication is required during school hours the Procedures for Medication Administration must be followed.
Avoid telling your child, “Go to School and try to Make it. If you still feel bad later, call me.” A more positive statement would be, “You don’t have a fever and you have been OK for the past 24 hours. Eat some breakfast, then go on to school and I’m sure you will feel fine.” This lets your child know you have paid attention to their complaints and leaves them with a positive message about feeling good.
Noble Public Schools, Norman Regional Health System, and the Norman Regional Hospital Foundation are expanding our offerings for the betterment of our students and staff. We have been provided a grant to develop a program, the Norman Regional Kids Virtual Care Program. This program will allow our students and staff to see a doctor through our school nurse office.
Introduction to Virtual Care and FAQ
Norman Regional Kids Virtual Care Enrollment and Consent Form (English)
Norman Regional Kids Virtual Care Enrollment and Consent Form (Spanish)
Medication Request and Release Requirements
Medication Request and Release Form
Meningitis Information
Centers for Disease Control
CDC - Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever Information