Fall Festival Events this week for Noble Public Schools. Go Bears! https://5il.co/10zd6 https://5il.co/10zd1 https://5il.co/10zlm https://5il.co/1110h https://5il.co/1110i
over 3 years ago, Noble Public Schools
Please read Week #11 update from Noble Public Schools. Thank you. https://5il.co/10vpt
over 3 years ago, Noble Public Schools
Last call for Noble Little League Basketball Sign-Ups. Please use the link below to register. Go Bears! http://nobleyouthbasketball.com/
over 3 years ago, Noble Public Schools
Please see attached flyer from The Cleveland Country Christmas Store. Thank you. https://5il.co/10nw2
over 3 years ago, Noble Public Schools
Please read Week #10 Update from Noble Public Schools. Thank you. https://5il.co/10k2t
over 3 years ago, Noble Public Schools
Noble Little League Basketball Signups are open now. Please use the link below to register. Thank you. Go Bears! http://nobleyouthbasketball.com/
over 3 years ago, Noble Public Schools
Tune in to noblebears.tv to check out our esports triple header as the Noble Rocket League team faces Broken Arrow at 3:30, Salina at 4:30, and Seminole at 5:30.
over 3 years ago, David Rowden
Please read Week #9 Update from Noble Public Schools. Enjoy your weekend, and please remember to stay safe. Go Bears! https://5il.co/108fj
over 3 years ago, Noble Public Schools
The Homecoming Ceremony for Noble High School will be held at halftime of the Noble vs. Altus Game on Thursday, October 7th. We have a conflict that we have attempted to change but have been unsuccessful in our efforts. Game time is 7:30 p.m. Noble Band and Pom will perform before the game. Thank you for understanding. Go Bears!
over 3 years ago, Noble Public Schools
Please read Week #8 Update from Noble Public Schools. Thank you. https://5il.co/zwal
over 3 years ago, Noble Public Schools
Please read the Week #7 Update from Noble Public Schools. Thank you. Go Bears! https://5il.co/zknn
over 3 years ago, Noble Public Schools
Noble Public Schools is currently have phone difficulties. At this time, we are not able to receive or place any external phone calls. We are working with AT&T to remedy the issue. Thank you for your patience.
over 3 years ago, Dr. Jon Myers
Just a reminder about tickets for home games. All tickets are sold online. The athletic office is open from 9-11, Monday-Thursday if you want to purchase in advance, with cash, or purchase a season ticket. Thank you. Thursday 9/23 JH Football vs Shawnee – 5:30 Friday 9/24 HS Football vs El Reno – 7:30 MS Volleyball Saturday, September 25 https://www.nobleps.com/o/noble-athletics/page/tickets
over 3 years ago, Noble Public Schools
Good Evening NPS, Please complete and return the application for Free & Reduced Meals if you haven't already done so. Even though all meals are free, every district receives funding for Technology and other Federal Programs based upon on the number of approved applications. We are currently 10% below our rate from last year. We have one week remaining to have these applications turned in, or we will face another significant loss of funding. If you need a paper copy mailed to you, please contact us at 872-5690 and we will drop it in the mail. Thank you in advance for your help and support. Go Bears! https://5il.co/zgwh
over 3 years ago, Noble Public Schools
Please see attached flyer for Cross Country and Track Fundraiser, Grizzly Bear 5K . Go Bears! https://5il.co/zf0k
over 3 years ago, Noble Public Schools
Please keep your eyes and ears open for us. Noble Public Schools suffered the fourth theft of school property in the last five months, between 1:00 a.m. and 5:45 a.m. this morning. Thieves broke into the maintenance yard and stole our Bumper Pull Dump Trailer. Every time thefts happen, money is being taken from all of us that pay taxes in the Noble School District, as well as our students. Please notify Noble PD if you have any information. Thank you.
over 3 years ago, Noble Public Schools
Oklahoma State Fair 2021 Parade Competition 1st Place - HS Drumline 2nd Place - HS Drum Major Emma Thompson 2nd Place-5A HS Marching Band 3rd Place - Middle School Marching Band Great day from the Noble HS and MS bands. Go Bears!
over 3 years ago, Noble Public Schools
Congratulations to Noble High School Senior Samuel Sprouse on being named a 2022 National Merit Scholarship Program Semifinalist. One of only 16,00 nationwide to achieve this honor, placing him in the Top 1% of Oklahoma High School Seniors. Great job Samuel! #GoBears
over 3 years ago, Noble Public Schools
Please review the Week #6 Update from Noble Public Schools. Thank you for your support. Go Bears! https://5il.co/z8jr
over 3 years ago, Noble Public Schools
Just a reminder all Tickets for the football game Friday night must be purchased online. https://www.nobleps.com/o/noble-athletics/page/tickets
over 3 years ago, Noble Public Schools