Noble Public Schools HS Athletes will begin a Phased In Approach to Summer Training & Conditioning beginning Monday, June 8, 2020. Stay tuned next week for details on times and dates. #HealthyandSafe #GoBears

Just a reminder! Final Day for Student school supply & personal belongings pickup. All Schools will be open until 7:00 p.m. Please return all text books, library books, uniforms, equipment, etc. We appreciate your help. Have a great summer! Go Bears!

NPS will be meeting & developing guidelines for returning to activities after June 1, with all rules and guidelines from CDC, SDE, state, county, & local entities being followed. We plan to announce by May 29th. Thank you. Stay safe, stay strong. Go Bears!

Noble Public Schools will have Pick Up for student supplies on Thursday, May 28th from 4:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. All five schools will be participating. We must proceed with cleaning & sanitizing of school sites. All remaining supplies will be discarded. Thank you. Go Bears!

Good Morning Noble Public Schools. Please take a minute to read our district letter regarding the Noble PS 2020 graduation ceremony Tuesday night. Thank You for all you do. Go Bears!

Summer Updates from NPS

Please take a few minutes on enjoy a Senior Farewell from your friends at Noble Public Schools. Congratulations Noble High School Class of 2020! Go Bears!

Good Afternoon Class of 2020 Graduates & Parents. We have updated our guidelines in response to questions concerning graduation tomorrow night. Please read the attached update. We will also be posting pictures on our Social Media pages.
Thank you.

CIMS Virtual Art Show

Good Morning Noble Public Schools! Please review attached links for the end of year summary and our summer feeding program information. Thank you.

Remember Caps & Gowns will be handed out starting at 10:00am today, 5.8.2020 at The Den. Congratulations!

July 13-17 at Big Brothers Big Sister of Oklahoma (502 E. Main St. in Norman).
Contact the United Way of Norman at 329-2025 for more information.

Please review the links attached for Noble High School Class of 2020 Graduation. Thank you.
Graduation 2020 Guidelines
Campus Map for Graduation 2020

Noble High School Virtual Art Show, Thank You to Mrs. Sneed and Mrs. Dressler for showing off the talents of our kids. Go Bears!

TITLE VI INDIAN EDUCATION SURVEY, Parents please complete the following survey in regards to Indian Education for Noble Public Schools by May 9, 2020: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/RGYZZDN
Sincerely, Cynthia Davis, Indian Education Coordinator, cdavis@nobleps.com, (405) 239-3705

Please read the Noble HS Class of 2020 Graduation Plan in the link below. Go Bears!

Cap & Gown delivery @ Noble HS, May 8th, 10-12:00. Call 1-800-567-8367 for questions..NHS staff will hand your cap & gown through the window of your vehicle. Parents & Graduates are asked to stay in their cars. We hope to release Graduation Plans Monday night. Go Bears!

Good Afternoon Noble Public Schools. Please read the attached letter. Have a great weekend. Be safe!

April 7, 2020 message from Noble Public Schools. Thank You for your patience and support.

Noble Schools CLP pick up will continue on Tuesday, 9:00-1:30. Please enter from the South and stop in front of CO Main Doors. Please remain in your vehicle. An Administrator will meet you there. Thank you for your patience as we work through this together. Go Bears!