Yearbook Sales -KID, HUB, PIO
Complete the order form at https://5il.co/pths and return to your child's school or order online at www.YearbookOrderCenter.com & use order code: 16815 All orders due 3.12.2021. Contact your child's school for more information.

Noble Public Schools will remain on Virtual Learning on Thursday, February 18, 2021. All Activities are cancelled. Thank you for your patience and understanding. With COVID, The Blizzard of 2021, and Power Grid Issues, it has been a lot to deal with. Give yourself, your kids, your teachers, and your schools the grace we all need and deserve. We plan to be back in person on Monday and will give everyone a chance to catch up and begin moving forward once again. Enjoy this time with your family. Go Bears!

Noble Public Schools will remain on Remote/Virtual Learning on Wednesday, Feb. 17. Winter Weather continues, secondary roads remain slick and dangerous, temperatures & wind chills are record lows. Please be careful & stay safe.

Noble Public Schools will be on Remote/Virtual Learning on Monday & Tuesday, Feb. 15/16. All buildings will remain closed. Dangerours roads, temperatures & wind chills. Please be careful & stay safe.

Regional Wrestling Tournament postponed. The tournament is rescheduled for Thurs./Fri., Feb. 18 & 19. The site & schedules will not change. Any tickets that were pre-sold at any Regional site will be honored. Thank you. Go Bears!

Noble Public Schools will be on Virtual/Remote Learning on Thursday, February 11, 2021. Many of our side streets and rural areas are slick and dangerous. All school sites will be closed including Mid America Technology Center. All activities are cancelled. Personnel will not report. Thank You for your understanding.

Noble Public Schools will be Virtual/Remote Learning on Wednesday, February 10, 2021. The National Weather Service is predicting precipitation beginning around midnight and continuing through the morning. All students should have their mobile devices, and teachers will be providing lessons online. All students with connectivity issues will be provided the opportunity to make up missed work when we return to school. We will always error on the side of caution. Thank you for your patience and understanding. Go Bears!

Pioneer Book Fair
You’re invited to shop our Scholastic Book Fair online from Feb. 15-Feb. 28! Visit our Book Fair Homepage and click “Shop Now” to get started: https://www.scholastic.com/bf/pioneerintermediate Happy reading! -Mrs. Barton

Please read the Week #5 update from Noble Public Schools. Thank you.

Please find below the link to purchase tickets for HS BB Game tomorrow night against Shawnee. Tickets remain limited and must be purchased online. Thank you.

Please see attached report for Week #4 of Spring 2021 for Noble Public Schools. Thank you.

KID Valentine's Parties
Class parties are 2.11.21. For student safety, please send valentine cards a week early so they may be quarantined before being dispersed. Also, outside deliveries (balloons, flowers, candy, etc.) will not be accepted for students during school hours.

Jump For Hubbard is 2.9.21 & 2.10.21.

KID Group Picture Day is 2.10.2021. Picture information will be sent home soon.

Please read NPS Update for Monday, January 25, 2021. Thank you.

Noble High School Boys Basketball, Boys & Girls Soccer,have paused all activities due to a positive COVID-19 test. Please keep your distance, clean continuously, wear a mask, stay safe. We will update as additional information is available. Thank You.

Noble HS BB tonight, Boys Game Only, beginning at 6:00 p.m.

Noble Public Schools has checked the milk supply at all of our sites concerning the Hiland Dairy Chocolate Milk that is subjected to the recall. We do not have any of the recalled milk at any site! If you picked up any meals last week that contained milk, please check for the following: One-Half Pint Hiland Dairy 1% Low Fat Chocolate Milk. UPC: 72060-00156-3. Sell by Date: January 27, 2021.Plant Code: 4025. Working together for the safety of our students and staff. Go Bears!

Please read update from NPS for Week #2 Spring Semester 2021. Go Bears!

Good Morning NPS. Please read message below. Thank you.