Good Afternoon NPS,
On day #1 of the online process for the Free & Reduced Lunch program, more than 250 families completed the form. The form is much quicker and more efficient than the old paper process. We are asking for every family to complete the application as many federal programs are funded from this. If you have already completed, Thank You. If you haven't, please consider doing so. Have a great day!

Attention Noble MS & HS Athletes. A new form has been added to Rank One. This form must be completed before any participation in OSSAA events is allowed. Please complete as soon as possible. Thank you. You may contact the athletic department at 872-7521.

Noble Public Schools has surplused the buses listed at the link below. Sealed Bids will be accepted until Monday, August 8th at 11:30 a.m. at 111 S. 4th Street, Noble, OK. All vehicles sold as is, no warranty given, nor implied. Bids will be opened at 12:00 noon on Monday, August 8, 2022.

Enrollment Verification for 22-23 school year begins today. We have attached the Back to School information for all schools in the first link below. Elementary students are requested to bring school supplies with them. We have also added an online app for Free & Reduced Lunch Program. The second link is for that program. The third link is for our Virtual Care Program with Norman Regional Hospital. It is going to be a great year. Go Bears!

In-person signups for Fall 2022 recreational soccer tonight, July 21st from 5:30PM-8:00PM at the Noble High School Field House. We welcome everyone born 2004-2019.
Info can be found at: https://www.oklahomaceltic.com/recreationalp.../recreational
For more information email noble.soccer.club@gmail.com

Noble Public Schools - Substitute Teacher Application and Orientation
NPS is currently building its substitute teacher pool for the 2022-2023 School Year. If you would like to substitute for NPS, just go to the link at the bottom and select Non-Certified Substitute Teacher or Certified Substitute Teacher. Once you fill out the application, it will ask you to select a Substitute Orientation date. Our first two dates are July 21st and August 2nd from 8:00 am to 10:30 am. Our current rate of pay is $75 for non-certified and $90 for certified (teaching certificate). For additional information, please feel free to contact Assistant Superintendent Dr. Jon Myers at jmyers@nobleps.com.

Good evening Noble Public Schools,
Please read the attached letter and complete the forms at your earliest convenience. We hope you are enjoying your summer. Go Bears!

2022-2023 Enrollment Confirmation
Dear Parents/Guardians: As a district, we need to confirm we have the most current contact information for your student(s) on file. In compliance with State Enrollment requirements, parents of any new or returning student enrolling in Noble Public Schools must present a proof of residency under the parent/guardian’s name of the district in which the student is being enrolled. We have set aside the week of July 25th through July 28th for Enrollment Confirmation. Please see the link below for additional information as to the times,location, required documents, and informational call back number (starting July 18th).

July Summer Feeding Program - Great news!!! Thanks to the USDA and the OKSDE, Noble Public Schools will continue to offer free breakfast and lunch for children 18 years of age and younger at campuses and remote locations. July Feeding will resume on July 11th and will operate till July 30th. Please see the attached delivery stops and their appointed times (nothing has changed from June). NPS will also have two campuses (PIO & CIMS) for meal pick up from 11:00-11:30 am. For additional information or questions, please call Dr. Myers at 405-239-3703 or email at jmyers@nobleps.com.
Summer Delivery Sites/Times - https://5il.co/1bo0x

Just a reminder that all Noble Public Schools buildings and facilities are closed this week. No practices or activities are allowed. We will resume activities on Monday, July 11th. The heat will be with us for the foreseeable future. Please prepare your bodies accordingly. All athletes and band members are required to have a physical before practicing. If you don't have current information for your activity, please contact your coaches or the athletic department on Monday. A link for a brief note from Cross Country and Softball are listed below. Go Bears!

Good Afternoon NPS,
Please be advised that breakfast and lunch for the FY '23 school year will not be provided for free. Please complete the application, even if you don't think your family will qualify. Federal Programs funding is based on the percentage of students that qualify. Even if your child will never eat in the cafeteria, please complete and return the forms. Thank you in advance for your support of Noble Public Schools. Have a great summer, Go Bears!

Summer Feeding - Just a reminder that summer feeding ended today. As soon as we know from the OKSDE that we can serve meals during July remotely and/or non-congregate, we will let everyone know. If we are able to continue our summer feeding for July, it will resume July 11th. Thank you and have a great 4th of July weekend.

MS Summer School - July Session
MS Parents, if your child is planning on attending the July Summer School Session and will need bus transportation, please contact the transportation department by 5:00 pm today. The phone number is 405-872-3455 and ask for April Jennings or email her at ajennings@nobleps.com.

Today is Primary Election Day 2022. There are many critical votes taking place in our area & our state that will impact public education for years to come. If you haven’t done your research, please do so before you go to vote. But please do go and vote. It is our right and our responsibility. If you need further information about any of the races, click on the link below.
Many voting precincts have changed locations since the last election. If you are not sure where you vote, please click on the link below.
The future of public education lies in the balance of the elections today.

The Cleveland County Election Board needs your help. If you are a registered voter in Cleveland County and would like to make a few dollars this summer, please consider signing up to work during the upcoming elections. The current need for assistance is dire, and any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated! The Election Board offers a paid training stipend as well as pay for working on election days. Please consider performing a civic duty while making money. For further information, you can email: TMAMONE@CLEVELANDCOUNTYOK.COM The contact phone numbers are 405-366-0210 or 405-928-7472. Thank you.

Noble Boys Basketball Player and Parent meeting in The Den on Thursday, June 16, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. This meeting is for 9th-12th grade boys basketball players in the 2022-2023 school year. Thank you.

Please find below the link for Noble Youth Football Sign Up Summer 2022. Go Bears!

Noble Class of 2022 graduates. Graduation packets are available for pick up today at Noble High School. The HS Office will be open from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. on Wednesday (6/8) and Thursday (6/9). Please remember that to pick up your packet, your Chromebook needs to have been turned in, as well as all other material that belongs to the district, and any money owed has been collected. Congrats Noble Graduates! #GoBears

Due to the weather and safety concerns, we will be delaying Summer Feeding until 1:00 pm. We hope to resume at 1:00 pm (weather permitting) with our 5 Routes, as well as food pick up at Pioneer ES and Curtis Inge MS.
Summer Feeding Locations (again modify the times for 1:00 pm)

Noble HS Kids Baseball Camp is cancelled for today due to the weather. We will update later with makeup dates. Thank you. Go Bears!