Please take a few minutes and read the attached letter concerning our busing situation. Thank you. Go Bears!

Noble Public Schools Annual Directory Information Update FY '23

Election Day is Tuesday, November 8th from 7:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. Early Voting begins today. Please do your research and exercise your right to vote.
Find your early voting voting location/dates/times:
View a sample ballot:
See the election list:

Please share with anyone that you know in need. The Cleveland County Christmas Store flyer is attached below. Thank you.

Due to the potential of severe weather for this weekend, Senior Night at Noble High School will be on Thursday, November 3rd at 7:00 p.m.
Senior Night for Cross Country, Pom, Cheer, and Football begins at 6:25 p.m.
At halftime , we will have Band Senior Night, our band performance, followed by our Cheer & Pom. Please purchase tickets in advance at the link below. Go Bears!

Tomorrow is district-wide picture retake day. If you are wanting retakes, please bring your packet or proofs to school with you tomorrow, and the photographers will take care of you. Thank you.

Noble Round Up Club Fall Festival Flyer

Just a reminder that Noble Public Schools will not be in session on Friday, October 7, 2022. Please see the link below for our calendar for any questions you may have. Have a great weekend!

Homecoming Parade details. Go Bears!

The most crucial election for public schools is quickly approaching:
• Registration Deadline is Oct. 14
• Request Absentee Ballot by Monday Oct. 24
• In-Person Early Voting is: Nov. 2-5
• General Election Tuesday, Nov. 8
#PublicSchoolsRock #GOTV #GoBears

Please see below the link for tickets for tonight's Varsity Football Game at El Reno. Go Bears!

Beginning in October, Noble Public Schools will be partnering with Oklahoma City Community College to offer GED-HSE night classes on the campus of Noble High School. Please share this information with anyone who may be interested. Thank you.

No school for Noble Public Schools students on Friday, September 30th. Professional Day for all staff. Watch for updates from your school sites concerning upcoming Parent Teacher Conference dates and times. We will complete Week #8 tomorrow. Go Bears!

Noble Public Schools will be top dressing and overseeding the baseball field and the track field, beginning tomorrow. Neither of the fields will be available to be used and gates will be locked for the next two weeks. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. Go Bears!

Congratulations to the winners of our Free & Reduced Lunch Application Contest. 2663 of our 3040 students completed the application. We appreciate your help and support. Go Bears!
Grand Prize Winner-Thomas Moore CIMS
HS Winner-Seth Richardson
PIO Winner-Liam Abely
HUB Winner-September Shaw
KID Winner-Leo Barreiro
Please contact Jennifer Black at 872-3452 to make arrangements to pick up your prize.

HS Football tonight at 7:30 p.m. against Ardmore. See you there! Go Bears!

Registration is open for for Noble youth basketball, 1st-6th grade. Sign up ends October 7th. Go Bears!

Last reminder: The deadline is approaching, just a gentle reminder that if you haven't submitted the form, please do so, still missing more than 100 students from last year. We want every family eligible qualified for the program. Drawing winning names for our giveaway on Monday. Thank you. http://nobleps.nlappscloud.com/

Tuttle Public Schools just sent an update for tonight's game. Parking and entry are only available on the north end of the stadium. Due to construction, only one entry to the visiting grandstand and that is on the north end. Please use caution. Go Bears!

Noble Bears @ Tuttle Tigers, Tonight at 7:00 p.m.
$7 – Adults
$5 – Students
Cash tickets available at the door for $10
Go Bears!