Purchase your tickets at the link below for today's Class 5A Regional Final at Noble High School. One win away from the 5A State Tournament. Go Bears!

HS 5A Girls Soccer Quarterfinals tonight vs. Piedmont at Noble HIgh School tonight @ 7:00 p.m. Go Bears!
Cash option at the gate for $10

Class 5A Regional Baseball Tournament at Noble High School will begin at 1:00 p.m. today. Games will start immediately following proceeding game, please plan to be there a little early for your team. Go Bears!
Tickets at GoFan: https://gofan.co/app/events/986574?schoolId=OSSAA
Noble vs Guymon 1:00
Ike vs McGuinness 3:00
TBA vs TBA 5:00 (Winners of Game 1 and 2)
TBA vs TBA 7:00 (Losers of Game 1 and 2)

The Class 5A Baseball Regional at Noble High School is currently in a Rain Delay. Once the rain has stopped, we will provide further updates. Thank you. Go Bears!

We apologize for the late update. Please see important update below. Thank you.

Class 5A Playoff Soccer starts tonight, Girls vs Guymon @ 5:00 at Noble High School
Tickets: https://gofan.co/app/events/983344?schoolId=OSSAA
$10 Cash option at the door available
Boys at Bishop McGuiness @ 7:00
Tickets: https://gofan.co/app/events/983343?schoolId=OK21013
$10 Cash option at the door available

Good evening parents,
As we move towards the end of the school year, please stay tuned for information and updates. Today's update concerns retrieving student medicines from the school nursing offices. Thank you.

Just a quick reminder about the Walking Taco Benefit Dinner tonight for Coach Jones and his family! #cancersucks

Noble High School and Noble Soccer Club present Youth Soccer Night on Friday, April 14th. Please see flyer for details. Go Bears!

Pack the Stands tonight for HS Baseball vs. Lawton Mac!
Free Admission. Go Bears!

NPS District Wellness Policy - NPS will be assessing its current Wellness Policy this May. The current policy meets the state requirements, however, every 3 years the District will measure the extent to which schools are in compliance with the local wellness policy. Additionally, parents, students, physical education teachers, school health professionals, the school board, school administrators, and the general public will be allowed to participate in the periodic review and update of the local wellness policy, which is primarily done through the school sites' Health-Fit Committees. If you would like to provide your feedback, please feel free to email Dr. Jon Myers (Assistant Superintendent) at jmyers@nobleps.com.
Current Wellness Policy on the Noble PS Website -https://5il.co/c2uf

Please be on the lookout for an information kit on the National Child Identification Program. A letter of explanation is provided at the link below. Thank you.

Update on Feed The Children boxes (April 5th):
All of the Feed The Children boxes have been handed out. Thank you to Nathan Gray (NPS Executive Director), Tyler Solomon (NPS Athletic Director), Noble Mayor Phillip Freeman and his son Elliot for helping hand out boxes.

Reminder - Today (April 5, 2023) - Noble Public Schools has 120 Feed the Children boxes of food left over from the holiday handout back in December. We will be handing these boxes out on Wednesday (April 5th) from 8:00 am to 10:00 am. The location will be in front of the Administration Building at 111 South 4th Street. This is a first come first serve opportunity while supplies last. If we have boxes left over, we will do another handout in the afternoon from 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm. We will notify via ThrillShare (Live Feed, Push Notification, and Text if we will be doing the afternoon.

Just a reminder that Noble High School presents:
Addams Family the Musical! The shows are April 13-15 at 7PM and April 16th at 2 PM, in The Den Auditorium. Tickets are $5 for students, $10 for adults, children 3 and under are free. Students have been working incredibly hard on this show and they would be honored to see you there. Go Bears!
The link to purchase tickets is:
The playbill is:

Noble Public Schools has 120 Feed the Children boxes of food left over from the holiday handout back in December. We will be handing these boxes out on Wednesday (April 5th) from 8:00 am to 10:00 am. The location will be in front of the Administration Building at 111 South 4th Street. This is a first come first serve opportunity while supplies last. If we have boxes left over, we will do another handout in the afternoon from 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm. We will notify via ThrillShare (Live Feed, Push Notification, and Text if we will be doing the afternoon. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Dr. Myers, Assistant Superintendent, at 405-239-3703.

Please see link below for information on Little League Cheerleading for 2023-2024 school year. Thank you.

Noble HS Cheerleader Tryouts 2023. Please open the link below for details. Thank you.

Noble FFA & 4H Ag Boosters Pork Dinner
(Dinner includes Pulled Pork, Baked Potato, Baked Beans, Roll, and Dessert)
Saturday, April 1, 2023 @ Curtis Inge Middle School
4:00 PM to 7:00 PM=Curbside Pickup Only!
Cost is $8 with a pre-sold ticket or $10 at the door without a ticket.
Tickets available from FFA and 4H members and parents.

2nd Call- Noble HS Seniors and Parents: Please complete the link for the profile information that we use to recognize your senior. Thank you.