Noble Public Schools Athletic Ticket Information for the 2023-2024 school year. The athletic offices will be open beginning Monday, July 31st to purchase. Go Bears!

Free & Reduced Meal applications are available for the 2023-2024 school year. Please take a few minutes and complete the online application below.
If you are unable to complete the online application, you may print and return the paper application as well. Thank you.

Enrollment Verification process will be announced in the upcoming days. Stay tuned for updates. The 2023-2024 school year begins three weeks from today. Pre-K through 5th grade school supply lists at the link below:
9th-12th grade students should bring a notebook & pen on the first day, supply lists will be provided by teachers. Wal Mart in store lists are accurate, but online app is incorrect. We look forward to seeing everyone soon. Go Bears!

Noble Virtual Academy (NVA) - 23-24 Application
NPS Virtual Academy for grades 4-12 is now active. Please fill out the new application if you are returning to the virtual program or will be a new applicant by August 1, 2024. Applicants will be screened in a timely manner, and will be contacted by NVA Administrator, Mrs. Jamie Evans. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mrs. Evans at jevans@nobleps.com or 405-212-8965.
2023-2024 NVA Application - https://forms.gle/bj8MnZZQJweimNZy5

HS Cross Country-Parent/Athlete meeting for all interested in HS Cross Country, Tonight, Monday July 10th at 6 PM in The Den Auditorium.
MS Cross Country-Parent/Athlete meeting for all interested in MS Cross Country, Thursday July 13th at 6 PM in The Den Auditorium.
If you are not able to attend please email Coach Shortes at tshortes@nobleps.com

Just a reminder - No Summer Food Service Program
Noble Public Schools will not be participating in the Summer Food Service Program for the month of July. Pioneer ES and Curtis Inge MS will not be open for breakfast and/or lunch. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.

Attention: Summer Feeding in July -
Noble Public Schools will not be participating in the Summer Food Service Program for the month of July. Pioneer ES and Curtis Inge MS will not be open for breakfast and/or lunch. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.

We hope everyone had a safe and enjoyable 4th of July holiday. As we prepare for the beginning of school, please take five minutes and complete the application for the Free & Reduced Meal Program. Thank you.

OSSAA Dead Week Period begins tomorrow. See you on July 10th. Happy 4th of July! Go Bears!

Noble HS Volleyball presents their 2023 Summer Volleyball Camp. See attachment for details. Go Bears!

Noble High School Class of 2023, we hope your summer is going well! Please stop by Central Office Monday-Thursday, from 8:00-4:00 to pick up your Senior Packets. Your diploma, certified transcripts, & school paperwork is enclosed. Good Luck in your future endeavors, Go Bears!

Noble Public Schools was the victim of vandalism last night at Hubbard Elementary School. Once again, we are asking for your help. If you recognize the person in the picture, please contact the Noble Police Department at 405-872-9231. Thank you.

The Oklahoma State Department of Health in cooperation with the Noble Fire Department and Noble Public Schools, will provide up to 10 families a free child seat or booster seat on Thursday, June 15th from 2:00-3:00 p.m., first come, first served. They will also be available to check the installation of your current car seat for safety. Thank you. Go Bears!

Cleveland County Community Health Seminars presented at The Well in Norman. Please review the flyer for dates, times, and topics. Thank you.

Oklahoma’s Promise allows 8th-11th grade students from families meeting certain income requirements to earn a college or technology center tuition scholarship. Students must also meet academic and conduct requirements in high school.

June and July Summer Feeding Menus for Pioneer ES and Curtis Inge MS
June 2023 - https://5il.co/1vwj8
July 2023 - https://5il.co/1vwje
Free for children 18 years and younger.
Noble Public Schools is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

Summer Feeding has started! Any child 18 years or younger may eat for free at Pioneer Elementary School (Enter by west door by gym off of playground) and Curtis Inge Middle School (Enter north doors by gym). The dates are June 5th to June 29th (Monday-Thursday) and July 10th to July 27th (Monday-Thursday). Breakfast will be served from 7:50 am – 8:20 am and lunch will be from 11:00 am – 12:00 pm. Based on USDA SDE rules, all meals must be consumed at the school. Unfortunately, with the USDA waivers changing, we were not approved for non-congregate route deliveries as we have done for the past 3 summers. NPS is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

Noble Youth Flag & Tackle Football Flyer Fall 2023. Go Bears!

Last chance at the NPS Athletic Blowout Sale, today from 9:00 a.m. until 11:00 a.m.
Go Bears!

Just a reminder that the Noble Athletic Department Blowout Sale continues today until 12:00 noon. Go Bears!