March 11, 2020
March 10, 2020
Dear Parents, Families, and Staff:
The following information is provided to help prevent the transmission and spread of coronavirus. The health...

March 10, 2020
Today, with the drum-line marching in to a surprised assembly, Noble Public Schools announced its District Teacher of the Year. Congratulations to Mrs. Skyler Smith (Mulder), 5th...

March 5, 2020
Los estudiantes que reciben comidas gratis y a precio reducido en la escuela pueden calificar para recibir comida gratis este verano. Para presentar una solicitud en línea, diríj...

March 5, 2020
Students receiving Free/Reduced School Meals may qualify for free food this summer. To apply online, go to https://chickasaw.net/summereb... To learn more, call (580) 272-1178 be...

January 28, 2020
Congratulations to the following 2020 Classroom Grant Winners from the Noble Public Schools Foundation for Academic Excellence!
Kendra Barnett
Jennie Clement

January 28, 2020
Nathan’s Automotive will donate 5% of any auto repair receipt turned into Noble Schools. You can turn in the receipt to any designated boxes located at Noble Public Schools ...

January 13, 2020
CIMS and Pioneer Choir Concert March 5 th 7:00 p.m. CIMS and Pioneer Choirs will be performing their spring choral concert for the community. Come out to support our talented st...

December 19, 2019
Congratulations to Skyler Smith! Pioneer Intermediate's 2019 Teacher of the Year!