Congratulations to the following 2020 Classroom Grant Winners from the Noble Public Schools Foundation for Academic Excellence!
- Kendra Barnett
- Jennie Clement
- Marshall Cole
- Samantha Crawford
- Ray Crawley
- Jordan Davidson
- Bev Dotson
- Twyla Fields
- Tanya Garling
- Jessica Gates
- Greg George
- James Hein
- Amanda Myers
- Ashley Proctor
- Lynn Rissman
- Joe Rohr
- Debbie Rollins
- Jaclyn Sandifer
- Michelle Shelton
- Julie Slate
- Kenny Smith
- Shea Webster
The 2020 classroom grant program distributes funds raised from individual and corporate friends of the Noble school system as a method of providing opportunities that enrich and enhance academic excellence for all Noble Students. The objective of the grant program is to provide additional funds for teachers to help students master specific concepts, while enriching and increasing their academic achievement level in all areas of study. Projects that demonstrate innovative approaches in teaching, use of multiple learning styles, and/or meeting the needs of all children in the classroom will be considered for funding. Please visit for more information.
The foundation was able to fund 22 Grant Winners this year, the most it has ever done! With your continued help and support, we will push this program forward even more in the years to come. 100% of all money received in donations to the foundation returns directly back to the endowment that funds the classroom grants.

The current Foundation Board Members are:
- Erika Wright
- Kristen Caruso
- Nicci Hughes
- Kim Adams
- Bob Wallis
- David Keating
- Terry Schat
- Asheton Samaha