In April 2022, Noble Public Schools will once again give the College and Career Readiness Assessment (CCRA) to all of our 11th Graders at Noble High School. The assessment that was given last year free of charge was the ACT assessment. Since the majority of our students attend in-state colleges and universities, we believe this assessment is well-suited for our students and their college/university choices. This assessment also aligns with the Pre-ACT assessment that we utilize with our 10th Graders. Right now, we are considering once again utilizing the ACT assessment as the CCRA in April. If you have any questions, or concerns please feel free to contact the following people.
• Dr. Jon Myers, Assistant Superintendent ( or 239-3703)
• Mr. Steve Barrett, NHS Principal ( or 872-3441)
• Mrs. Tori Christiansen, NHS Counselor ( or 872-3441)
We look forward to hearing any feedback as we decide on the 2022 College and Career Readiness Assessment that is required for all 11th Graders. Below is a survey that the SDE has complied for districts to use to assist in collecting feedback.
Does your family receive the Summer EBT food card from the Chickasaw Nation? Would you want to earn $25 for 1 hour of your time on August 9th at 6pm at Noble Administration Building? The Chickasaw Nation would like your help in improving their program and would like to have a 10 parent forum on the evening of Monday, August 9th at the Child Nutrition office of Noble Schools. You must be a current participant in the Summer EBT food program sponsored by the Chickasaw Nation. If you are interested, please call Kris Fipps at 405-872-5690.
Noble Public Schools plans to operate In Person and enjoy all Extra-Curricular Activities. The Delta Variant numbers are creating a new level of concern as more and more kids are contracting COVID-19. If you and or other members of your family are eligible to be vaccinated, please consider doing so for the safety of everyone. We realize this is a personal decision, but we want to stay open, In Person, and reap the benefits. #GoBears #BetterTogether
Good Afternoon,
As we finalize enrollment for the 2021-2022 school year, we need your help. If any of your children will be participating in Virtual School this year, we need to know as soon as possible. If your children will be in person this year, there is no need to complete the form. Thank you.
Noble High School will be having an Open Enrollment on Wednesday & Thursday, July 21 & 22, from 8:00 a.m-6:00 p.m. at NHS in Room N#110. With the change to online enrollment, we understand some students and parents are having difficulties, and we want to help. HS Staff will be there to assist. If you need assistance in setting up your Power School Account, please contact Jennifer or Dot at 872-3452 and they will help you. Thank you. Go Bears
Engage Learning and Noble Public Schools partnering for a Coding Camp sponsored by OEC. 6th-8th graders in 2021-2022 are eligible. CIMS Teacher Mr. Warcup leading this great opportunity. Go Bears!
Summer Feeding picks back up today. The following link will show you our campus pick up sites as well as our delivery sites. If we need to modify please feel free to call Dr. Jon Myers, Assistant Superintendent, at 405-239-3703.
July Summer Feeding -
Good Afternoon,
40 days remain in the Summer of 2021. As we prepare for next year, please find attached the 2022 Free & Reduced Meal Application that we need to have completed and returned before school begins. We will be checking out Chromebooks again in August, and we would like to have forms returned by check out day. We will continue to send updates as we move forward through the summer. The link for the application is:
All sites and offices of Noble Public Schools will be closed from July 2-July 11, to allow time off for our employees. Should you have any emergency situations arise, please contact the Noble Police Department at 872-9231.
Thank You. Go Bears!
Thank You Noble Public Schools, our community, our voters, TAP Architecture and Manhattan Construction. Together, we made this happen. Go Bears!
Noble Robotics Camp for Incoming 2nd-8th grade students. Go Bears!
Due to the severe storms in the area, our Summer Food Routes will not run today. Severe lightning in the area. We will have a delivery truck at Maguire Baptist Church and Central Office, under the awnings for those that wish to pick up there. Please be safe. Go Bears!
Just a friendly reminder, that starting today, modified June Summer Food Delivery Locations and Times.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Dr. Jon Myers - Assistant Superintendent 405-872-3452
The attached link will show you the new times and deleted locations.
Starting June 16th, we will be modifying our June Summer Food Delivery Locations and Times. The attached link will show you the new times and deleted locations. We will post a new one for the July Summer Food Delivery that will start July 12th. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Dr. Jon Myers - Assistant Superintendent 405-872-3452
We hope everyone is having a great summer! Please find below a link for the required Return to Learn Plan for Noble Public Schools for the 2021-2022 school year. We were In Person Learning every day for the 2020-2021 school year and we plan to do the same for the 2021-2022 school year. We welcome any comments you may have. Thank you for your support through a very difficult year. Go Bears!
Reminder - Summer Feeding starts tomorrow June 1st - New Routes - Children 18 and younger eat for free all summer long. Please see the attached links for more detailed information. If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Jon Myers - Assistant Superintendent - 405-239-3703 - Summer Feeding Information - Summer Meal Delivery Information
Due to road construction at the south entrance of the high school, please enter and exit at the east entrance off of 48th street. Thank you for your understanding while we continue to make upgrades to our campuses.
June and July Summer Feeding Information - Children 18 and younger can eat for free all summer long. Please see the attached links for more detailed information. If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Jon Myers - Assistant Superintendent - 405-239-3703 - Summer Feeding Information - Summer Meal Delivery Information
May 24, 2021
Attention Noble Public Schools and Community:
The Noble Transportation Department was vandalized early this morning between the hours of 12:30 a.m. and 4:45 a.m. A window was broken out, keys were taken, and multiple vehicles were damaged. Video surveillance records the entry and exit times. A police report has been filed and the videos have been turned in to the Noble Police Department (NPD). A reward has been established for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those involved in this crime. Please contact the NPD at 405-872-9231. You may remain anonymous when reporting.
Please understand that every dollar that we have to use in these efforts to repair and replace our facilities and equipment, is a dollar that could have been used for our students. If you know something, please say something! Thank you.
Attention Students 17 + years of age: The Cleveland County YMCA is looking for summer workers.
Summerfest event from Norman Next.
More info on the Norman NEXT facebook page: