K20 is hosting a college visit for our sophomores. Sophomore girls will visit The University of Central Oklahoma on April 9th and the boys will visit on April 16th. Please click on the link for more information. https://5il.co/38u4e
15 days ago, Noble High School
Parent Teacher Conferences are tomorrow night, Thursday, 2/27 and next Tuesday 3/4 from 4:00 to 7:00 pm. Please come by and meet with your student's teachers! It is come-and-go, so there is no need for an appointment. https://5il.co/38pr0
16 days ago, Noble High School
Seniors and Senior Parents: Please click on the attached link for information on Senior events: https://5il.co/38nu6
16 days ago, Noble High School
Seniors and Senior Parents: Please click on the link for an important message about an upcoming Gear Up opportunity for seniors. https://5il.co/36tkj
about 1 month ago, Noble High School
Parents and Students: If you are not using the ParentSquare App, then, you are missing information/messages from Noble High School. Click on the link below for instructions on using the app. Students can use their chromebook to login. https://www.nobleps.com/page/parentsquare
about 2 months ago, Noble High School
Please click on the below link to sign your senior up for assistance on filling out their FAFSA graduation requirement. Kirk Rushing will be at NHS on Friday, January 17th. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VpPDqPp6yrWuIMQpwx3UoIi-O8vcgqUEt0JlYgJybdc/edit?usp=sharing
2 months ago, Noble High School
This is a reminder that seniors will have the opportunity to complete their CPR graduation requirement on Wednesday (1/8/25) at senior seminar. https://5il.co/343bc
2 months ago, Noble High School
Finals are scheduled for tomorrow and Thursday. Please click on the attached link for a copy of the finals schedule. Thursday is the last day of the semester. Good luck to all of our students. Go Bears! https://5il.co/32nrc
3 months ago, Noble High School
Please click on the link for information on the Fall Finals and exemptions. Students have an option for off campus lunch during finals with a turned in permission form. Exemption forms and Off-Campus lunch permission forms can be picked up in the office. https://5il.co/32oey
3 months ago, Noble High School
Seniors:If you have not already ordered your cap and gown for graduation, you need to order it soon! Go to the Josten's website at www.jostens.com, click on Shop Your School's Store, click on Shop All Graduation Products, scroll to the bottom and find Cap & Gown Unit for $54.95.
3 months ago, Noble High School
Please click on the link for information on Oklahoma Senate Bill 93 that requires all high school students to complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) before graduation. https://5il.co/31arz
3 months ago, Noble High School
Oklahoma State Bill 93 requires that all high school students complete an application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) as a graduation requirement. Please click on the attached link for information. Kirk Rushing will be at NHS on Wednesday to help students. https://5il.co/31arz
3 months ago, Noble High School
Please click on the attached link for information on the new high school graduation requirement for students to complete an application for FAFSA https://5il.co/31arz
4 months ago, Noble High School
If you kept your student home due to the weather today, Monday, 11/18/24, please call the office at (405) 872-3441 or email Paula Miller at pmiller@nobleps.com. If this is not done, your student will be marked as an unexcused absence. Thank you!
4 months ago, Noble High School
Follow Up from 5:30 am - Monday, November 18, 2024-School start will be delayed by one hour today. Buses will run one hour late today. Parents may choose to keep their students home if they choose. Safety first!
4 months ago, Dr. Jon Myers
Monday, November 18, 2024-School start will be delayed by one hour today. Buses will run one hour late today. Parents may choose to keep their students home if they choose. Safety first!
4 months ago, Noble Public Schools
HS Track fundraiser, picture with the Noble Bear. #GoBears #publicschoolsrock Pioneer 11/12/24 Kid 11/13/24 Hubbard 11/14/24 #GoBears
4 months ago, Noble Public Schools
The Noble HS Veteran's Day Assembly is scheduled for Monday, Nov. 11th at 9:30 am. We invite all Veteran's to attend. https://5il.co/2yy8y
4 months ago, Noble High School
Sorry for the late notice, but as of 9:00 p.m., all power has been restored, Noble Public Schools will be in session on Monday, November 4th. Thank you OG&E! #GoBears #bettertogether
4 months ago, Noble Public Schools
Severe Weather Message as of 4:00 p.m. on Sunday, November 3rd: We are still experiencing a Complete Power Outage at Pioneer Elementary and limited power at other sites in the district. We must have power at all sites to be in school. We wanted to provide as much notice as possible in case we can't be in school on Monday, November 4th. Thank you.
4 months ago, Noble Public Schools