The School Counselors
Advocate care and support for all students
Engage in participatory leadership to help all students reach high academic expectations
Collaborate with others in and beyond their school communities to ensure opportunities for meaningful participation for all students
Commit to lifelong professional development
We prepare students based on the American School Counselor Association National Model, as well as meeting the requirements of the Oklahoma State Department of Education school counselor competencies. We seek to enhance the learning of all students by integrating academic, career, personal/social development, and community involvement. We promote collaboration between school counselors and other professionals to create learning communities where students are engaged as learners, passionate about what they do, and empowered as people.
We are informed by a vision for school counselors that defines five school counselors competencies:
Teaming and Collaboration
Counseling and Coordination
Assessment and use of data
We focus considerable efforts on poor and minority students in order to ensure that all students complete school, prepared to choose from a wide range of post-secondary options, including college. We teach students to work within their organizations to promote community peace and the fulfillment of human potential.
Our school counselors collaborate with professionals within the school and with members of the community to develop contextual learning opportunities that engage students in learning activities with adult mentors, service projects, and other community enterprises. Our school counselors help students see that social/personal, academic, and career preparation are connected to the real world and that assessment is authentically grounded in activities students themselves find meaningful.
We Are Commitment to Lifelong Professional Development, Research, and Evaluation.